Friday, October 31, 2008

Business calendar

I think for the next few days on this blog I will track my introduction to the Google Calendar - how I can use it and how it can be useful for other vendors and market owners. See, one of the issues during the market season is communication between the market owners and the vendors regarding changes in schedules, booth placement changes, etc. Things that occur during the season. Vendors tend to get so busy they neglect to check all their messages or update their contact information and they end up not getting the information being sent to them. Hopefully by using things like Google calendars, Gmail, blogs and such we can create an easy system by which communication won't break down so easy and maybe even increase communication during the market season.

BTW - tools like this would also come in very handy during the off season. There is no need for the market owners to just disappear during the winter months. They should keep in contact with their vendors throughout the year - keep their interest, keep them updated, and keep them coming back the next years.

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